
GAIN Assessments


Understanding Your Mental Health Needs

Behavioral health issues can have an impact on an individual’s life. From dealing with the repercussions of a difficult upbringing, navigating broken friendships, to battling substance abuse or mental health disorders, the journey can be overwhelming. However, you are not alone. River of Hope Behavioral Health specializes in providing comprehensive and compassionate services to address these challenges head-on, ensuring a safer and healthier future for you and your loved ones.


What is a GAIN Assessment?

Developed by Chestnut Health Systems, the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs (GAIN) assessment is a comprehensive, assessment tool designed to evaluate various aspects of a person's life. This includes physical health, mental health, substance use, legal status, environment, job and vocational situation, and social relationships.

Whether you're struggling with substance abuse, battling chronic depression, or facing legal complications due to your current situation, a GAIN Assessment can be invaluable. It serves as a catalyst for beginning your journey towards recovery. By creating a full profile of your current state this tool allows professionals at River of Hope to formulate a personalized plan that suits your needs.

Stages of the GAIN Assessment

1. Screening

The initial stage involves a brief evaluation to determine if there are any immediate concerns that require urgent attention. This helps in identifying individuals who may benefit from a more detailed assessment.

2. Comprehensive Assessment

At this stage, a detailed evaluation is conducted to gather extensive information about the individual’s behavior, mental health, substance use, risk factors, and resources. This helps in forming a holistic view of the person’s needs and strengths.

3. Treatment Planning and Referral

Based on the comprehensive assessment, a tailored treatment plan is developed. This stage involves deciding the type of intervention needed, setting goals, and referring the individual to appropriate services.

5. Outcome Evaluation

After the completion of treatment, the GAIN Assessment aids in evaluating the outcomes, determining the success of the interventions, and identifying areas for future improvement.

4. Progress Monitoring

Throughout the treatment process, the GAIN Assessment can be used to monitor progress, assess the effectiveness of interventions, and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan.

Who Might Need a GAIN Assessment?

The GAIN Assessment provides the most comprehensive picture of your current situation, enabling us to understand the depth and complexity of your struggles. By allowing us to tailor a specific treatment plan for you, the GAIN Assessment ensures that the services you receive align with your unique circumstances. 

This assessment can be used to help identify the needs of any individual struggling with addiction. The GAIN is commonly used for:

  • Individuals Exhibiting Risky Substance Use
  • Persons in Need of Treatment for Addiction
  • Individuals with Mental Health Disorders
  • People Experiencing Emotional or Behavioral Issues
  • Juveniles and Adults in the Criminal Justice System
  • Offenders with Substance Abuse Issues
  • Youth at Risk
  • People in Need of Support and Social Service Resources
  • Students Struggling with Substance Use or Mental Health Issues
  • Patients with Behavioral Health Needs

The GAIN Assessment helps discover the way forward on your road to recovery. If you're lost amidst a number of issues, or multiple dependencies, and don't know where to start, an assessment will highlight the areas in your life where intervention is most needed.


How Can a GAIN Assessment Help?

Using the GAIN Assessment, we establish specific goals for clients, providing them with a clear path towards wellness. These goals depend on the results of the assessment and can range from achieving sobriety or managing a mental health condition, to improving relationships, developing social skills, or finding stable employment. The assessment allows the team at River of Hope to continuously monitor progress, adapt the plan as necessary, and work with you to reach your unique recovery goals.

The assessment could rescue you from a situation you may not even realize is destructive – like living in a hazardous environment or remaining in toxic relationships. By highlighting these factors, the assessment provides a broader outlook on wellness and recovery, going beyond simply managing symptoms of mental health or substance disorders.

A GAIN Assessment works as a roadmap to a safer, healthier future. It paints a comprehensive picture of your life and struggles, which enables you and the helpful professionals at River of Hope to effectively address the issues at hand. The goal is to empower you to bring positive change, recovery, and lasting wellness into your life. Remember that the first step towards recovery is understanding, and a GAIN Assessment offers precisely that.